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Music In Isolation
Virtual MIX
Friday, April 10, 2020
16:30 to 17:15
Lisbon Time Zone
My name is Richard, and I'm organizing this MIX because in these times of isolation, I want to know what others are listening to and learn about the impact of music on them.

MIXPerience Questions:
1. Do you listen to music while you're working?

2. What is some of your favorite platforms to get new music right now?

3. Can you remember a time you used music to help you when feeling trapped?
Mutual Interest eXchanges
Maximum of 6 Participants
Small groups are meant for meaningful exchanges.
No more than 3 participants from the same country.
MIX Theme

Recipe sharing Virtual MIXs, Photography Walk Activity MIXs, or go together to an MMA Event MIXs. Up to you!
Organized by (Mod)erators
Anyone can organize a MIX. Mods are the facilitators and are in charge of asking meaningful questions.
How To MIX
1 - Be On Time!
Actually, try to be early, just in case something happens!

Virtual MIXs are between 30-45 minutes, being late means you miss a lot!
2 - The MIXPerience
This is the essence of every MIX. The Organizer (Mod) will prepare a few engaging questions to break the ice.

You will see the questions they plan to ask in each event description, before you reserve to MIX. Come with some questions of your own, too!
3 - Do Activity / Exchange
Some MIXs will be be focused on verbal exchanges, others will include an activity. For example, a Tea MIX could be a nice chat about your favorite teas, or it can be an activity to visit several Tea House locations!
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