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Rooftop PicNic & Photography MIX
Sunday, June 23, 2019
12:00 to 14:30
Hi, I'm Richard! I love meeting new and interesting people, food & photography, so let's MIX!

First, we'll meet at noon to eat some lunch (bring your own goods), and talk about our favorite ways of capturing images. From just using our cell phones to your big fancy camera, landscape or street style, I don't care, let's eat and chat!

Then, we'll stretch the legs, digest the food and go for a photography walk. After a bit of a walk, we can stop and have a beer, coffee or whatever, and share some of our favorite images.

Looking forward to meeting you!
-MIX Agenda-
12:00 / Find the Organizer (ME!)
12:15 / Eat and MIX about Photography
13:00 / Photography Walk
14:00 / Share Images over a drink
14:30 Official Close of the MIX

To find me:
Just ask the receptionist for the Rooftop PicNic MIX.

Selina Secret Garden
Beco Carrasco nº1, 1200-096 Lisboa, Portugal
To Reserve A Spot For This MIX
Fill out the form to confirm your participation.
Can You MIX = Mutual Interest eXchange?
Regardless Of Race, Religion, Sexual Orientation, or Color; Do You Agree To Focus On The Activity Or Theme of the MIX?
Can You Be Ad-Free?
Promoting Products Or Services At MIX Activities Is NOT Cool, OK?
Can You Commit?
There are only 8 participants per MIX, so do NOT reserve unless youre sure you will come, OK?
Links for the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions are at the bottom of every page.
Just like any other website, we need you to agree to them.
Mutual Interest eXchanges
Socializing Culture
Maximum of 8 Participants
Small groups allow for a meaningful experience. A maximum of 4 Natives,
Expats and Travelers
per MIX for cultural diversity.
Located In
Public Spaces

For peace of mind, MIXs are only in parks, cultural/social centers, concert halls, sports stadiums, hostels,
colleges/universities, etc
Organized by Moderators
Anyone can organize a MIX in a city they live, or a city they're traveling to. Organizers can not promote products or services.
The MIX Flow
  • 1
    Find The Mod
    A 15-minute window for people to show up late, and located the organizer of the MIX.
  • 2
    eXperience Intros
    Everyone exchanges their experiences and insights regarding the theme of the MIX.
  • 3
    Get MIXing
    Do the activity or go to the event which brought you all together!
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