The Burning of the Dream Tree:

Every year in Spring, at the Community Cultural Center I founded in 2016, we burned thousands of dreams which were hung by pilgrims who came from around the world during summer to walk the St. James Way (El Camino).

85% + of all the dreams were about:
Love. Resources & Health.
Message Us!
Richard Kappel
-Flexibly Focused Leader, Flowing-
My name is Richard Kappel, I'm from Chicago. Traveling changed my life, particularly the cultural exchange element. Now, I've found a fun and intriguing way to inspire people to participate in insightful intercultural activities and events.

My professional background in Chicago was sales & management. I love people, learning from them, mentoring them, and growing together to accomplish goals. When I was 26, I really felt I needed to see the world, so I sold everything, bought a ticket out the US.
Prepping for a meditation workshop.
I traveled to India, north Africa, all over Europe and a bit of Central America. My base was small village with 29 neighbors in the mountains of Spain along the Camino. I spent spring, summer and fall, running a hostel and cultural center. I learned how to grow organic vegetables, forage from the mountains, and best of all I learned meditation. After so many amazing cultural exchanges, and travelers begging me to get MIXs in their city, I spent a couple weeks with myself, and my wife making a choice. I know what goes along with this crazy dream, it was not a spontaneous decision, but it's been made.
Left by my volunteers who helped at my cultural center
over the last three years. Also, the people who've
exchanged with me while traveling.

These are the most recent and accurate insights
about me as a person and a professional:

Let's discuss the culture I'm cultivating at the company,
and to talk about your inspiration for impact investing.

I'm asking for 20 minutes, you choose the date and time,
I don't care if it's 3AM.

Thank you for the consideration,
Richard Kappel
Phone: +351 927 638 900